Monday, August 18, 2003

Harry Potter Is the Devil

Harry Potter picture
What is it about Harry Potter that has so many of the "Religious Right" up in arms? Wake up, people. It's just a book series, and a darn good one at that. Will the Christian cattle of the world please read the books before unquestionably accepting misconceptions and misleading statements about them?

Please do not misunderstand me. I do not equate all Christians with cattle. However, there do seem to be a good many who blindly repeat opinions they heard from others who blindly repeat opinions they heard from others who...

If the Harry Potter books are evil because magic is involved, how come we never hear protests about these other magical books?

  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (by C.S. Lewis, renown Christian author)
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Cinderella (and that you thought only her step-mother was evil.)
  • The Cat In the Hat by Dr. Suess (Now there's an evil book! The cat talks!)

Here's a clue: The magic in Harry Potter is not real, and neither is Harry Potter. Read my lips, it's FAN-TA-SY. Get it? Imagination. Nine and ten year old children know the difference between a fantasy story and real life. Why can't some adults? (Perhaps because they don't have one? [Whoops, sorry, it just slipped out.])

Guess what? There is evil in the Harry Potter books. Duh! It's a story about good versus evil. Ever heard of a technique called "allegory"? Jesus used it all the time. You should look it up.

So next time someone starts mooing about Harry Potter's evil wand, he had better be prepared to ban Dorothy's slippers and that damned cat's hat.


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