Sunday, June 12, 2005

Old Story Retold: Bats In My...Bedroom?

(Originally from 7/19/2004)

Okay, I know not a lot has happened in my bedroom lately; but really, it's hardly a crypt or anything.

I walked into my bedroom tonight carrying my usually pre-bedtime bundle of book, low-carb ice cream, and a cup of tea. (My blanket was taken from me when I was much too young.) As I reach for the light, I see this "thing" fly in front of my face.

"Holy crap!" I think, "That has gotto be the biggest moth I have ever seen in my life." As I am ducking, it flys by again. "That's a.... No, it can't be. Yes, it is. It's a bat!"

The little guy was circling round and round my bedroom. He didn't want to fly out the door. (I can't blame him. I'm not to pretty a sight in my underwear, trust me.) He was so cute, about 2 inches long and 3-4 inches wide. I just wanted to catch him and...

Wouldn't be cool to own a bat for a pet? I mean if you could train them to land on your finger like a parakeet? And you could do some living room "falconeering" but with horseflies and your bat. Speaking of flies, I bet you could throw out your plastic swatters. Little Vampie would take care of them. But I digress.

I have not idea how the fella got in my bedroom. I mean, my house is not exactly air tight. I've had flies and bugs in there occasionally, but a bat? That's a first.

So I opened a window and let the little guy out. I'm going to miss him. I know our time was short (about 3 minutes to be exact). But I kind of liked him circling round and round and round. But maybe that's because I'm a little batty myself.


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