Saturday, August 30, 2003

Nose Update

I want everyone to know my son's nose is okay....really. I did not realize so many other people had concerns about their nose. Since my story below, several people have told us all about their noses, the operations they've had, and the drugs they take (for their noses, I mean). Apparently, he's not the only one who's been snorting into his hand.

Someone suggested he needs surgery to chip out part of his nostril bone. I bet that's an enjoyable operation. What kind of cast do you have to wear afterwards? If I have that operation, I'm going to get one of those multi-colored casts like kids get, put on a costume and a cape, and call myself "Snot Man".

People who normally don't use words with more than 2 syllables were talking to us about a "deviated septum". Deviated septum? Who uses that kind of language? I willing to bet that people wait years to use that in a sentence. And do you know why? 'Cause it's fun to say! I'm serious. Try it a few times. Deviated septum...Deviated septum...

I suppose we should look into it. I would hate to learn I let my son walk around with a deformed nosebone. On the othe hand, lots of things are deviated about my son; I'm not sure I'm worried about his septum.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Google Is Cool

Google is the coolest search engine. I can't say enough about what a great site it is. If Google isn't your main web search page, then you're nuts. Many Internet experts, gurus, and know-it-alls (including myself) owe most of their apparent knowledge and skill to being able to use Google well. Here are some things about Google that you might not know.

Great Home Page. Google is a great browser home page. It loads almost as fast as a blank page and much faster than the MSN home page that IE comes with. Go to Tools-->Internet Options to set your home page to Google.

Find Addresses. If you enter an address or city (such as 'Kansas City, KS') in the Google search line, Google will give you a link to that location at Yahoo Maps or MapQuest.

Find People. If you enter a person or business followed by an city or state (such as 'Mark Hamby, Texas' [not me BTW]), it will give you that person's address, phone number, and map to this house or business. Kind of scary, isn't it.

Best News Source. Google News is great for browsing or searching news stories. You get new stories from newspapers around the world. It's a great way to get full and balanced coverage of the news.

Search For Images. Google provides a image search engine for pictures and images. Pretty handy when you need it. Check out the advanced image search for a particular size of image.

Translate Languages. Google will translate foreign web pages or text. Very handy if you bought goulash mix in Germany, but can't decode the instructions. (Who, me?)

Mail-Order Catalogs. I don't use this much, but it's really cool. Google will search its selection of mail-order catalogs and show you the page in the catalogs that match your search. (How do they do that?)

The Google Toolbar. The Google Toolbar is a great add-on for Internet Explorer. It allows you to search and turn on colored highlights for the words you searched for in the page. It also stops pop-ups, fills out forms for you, and has a "Blog This" feature (in case you wanted to start your own blog). Unfortunately, it will not work with NetCaptor.

More Google Tools. If you're interested, check out all the Google tools. Have fun.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

I Nose What I's Talking 'Bout

A few people expressed some doubt about the authenticity of my stories. (I have send a few through email before.) I assure you that, save for a few minor changes to help the stories flow a little better, they are completely true. And yes, my family is really that wierd. In fact, I have to omit events, because no one who has not lived with us would ever believe them. Trust me, I don't have the imagination to make this stuff up.

The following normal...I mean, typical conversation in the Hamby living room took place (practically verbatim) just this evenng.

"I kept getting calls today. People thought my story was pretty funny. I had to do the hair modelling thing several times and..." I look over at my son (a different one this time) sitting next to me. His thumb is shoved up his nose, and he is snorting. "What are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing."

I stare at him a moment before deciding that I am better off not knowing. "So what's for dinner? I'm..."

"I only breath out of one of my nostrils."


"One of my nostrils is useless. It wouldn't matter if it wasn't even there at all, because I don't use it. I wonder why that is? Maybe one nostril is smaller than the other."

I'm staring again. "What are you talking about? It's probably just clogged because of allergies or boogers or something."

By this time, he is alternating thumbs and snorting repeatedly into his hand held in front of his face. "No, it's not really clogged. But I definately get more air pressure out of the left side. Here, give me your hand. I'll show you."

"Uh, I don't think so. I think I'll skip the experience and take your word for it."

"Maybe," suggests my wife, Mona, "it's just stuffed up since it so dry in this house."

Thinking it couldn't get any more bizarre, my son looks at me, still with his thumb up his nose, and says in perfect seriousness, "You think I should squirt water up my nose?"

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Highlights and Haircuts

My son started back to school yesterday. He says that he's going to do much better this year. He's going to set goals. He's going to do what he needs to do when he needs to do it. He's going to be diligent and hardworking. He's not going to be discouraged by minor setbacks. I told him that I was proud of him and would support him in his efforts. I just wish he were so committed about his grades. Confused? Then you have little idea what school is all about for the average teenager. You see, my son's objective is to get a girlfriend this year, maybe even a few.

He has his strategies all laid out: the clothes, the looks, the lines. He is ready...except, I mentioned yesterday, for the fairly popular blonde-tipped hair style that a lot of guys are wearing. You've seen the style, I'm sure. It's the one that looks like the guy just saw a ghost, and then dipped the top of his head in a toilet bowl full of bleach water. I suggested that, perhaps, he go for "the look".

My son, being a terrible procrastinator, waited until late yesterday night to say, "Dad, I want to get my hair highlighted for school tomorrow." I laughed, because there was no way. "There is one way," my son enlightened me. Being also the adventurous type (and a little crazy), he said, "You could highlight my hair." Now normally I would welcome the opportunity to dunk my son's head in a toilet, but my concern for his social standing overcame my need for parental revenge. So instead we went to Wally World (i.e. Wal-Mart) to get a hair highlighting product.

Can I just say I have no idea what the hell I'm doing in the hair color section of Wally World? Just to get to that section, you have to go deep into the "no man's land" part of the store. Any man who is comfortable standing there among face creams, makeups, scented lotions, and unmentionable hygiene products needs to have his masculinity examined. Granted, it's not as bad as roaming through the women's underwear department, but it's close. For those men who have never visited the hair color section (and are damn proud of it), you would be amazed at the size of the place. It takes up a whole aisle! Do you know how many shades of "blonde" there are? No, you don't. Trust me.

My son and I tried several approaches to selecting the correct hair product. We looked for boxes with pictures of guys on the front. No luck there; except for this one with a guy who was supposed to be cool, but looked more like kind that you don't stand too close to. (wink wink nudge nudge) We looked for boxes that said "highlight". Apparently, all hair dyes, even the dark brunette ones, are intended to "put highlights in your hair" or "highlight your natural color" or do something highlight-ish. Finally, we settled on a tried-and-true method when faced with this type of dilemma: choose the most expensive.

Once back home, my son happily submitted to letting me grab little strands of his hair and pull them quite forcefully through tiny holes in a goofy little cap he wore. A suggestion for fathers who want to beat their teenage sons: Just convince them to let you highlight their hair. Loads of fun, this is, and quite a frustration reliever.  At the end of an hour, I was in a great mood. My son, meanwhile, was wincing in pain with little tuffs of his hair stinking up through the plastic cap and looking like one of those light-fiber lamps.

On went the hair color goop. Caution: when you mix this stuff up, do not breath. The instructions warn you repeatedly about wearing the plastic gloves (sized for a 12-year-old girl, by the way). Nowhere does it warn not to breath in the powder than you are supposed to mix into a bottle, most of which flies into the air headed straight for your lungs. I don't think I've ever sucked in anything that my body tried to reject more than this hair dye stuff. So as the instructions stated, I thoroughly soaked my son's head with it. When I was finished, we still had 2/3 of a bottle left. Geez, no wonder this stuff is so expensive. I tossed the bottle, but still had the goop all over my hands (glove-covered, of course). And here is where I made a terrible, terrible mistake.

Laughing at my son about all the trouble and pain he had gone through, (hee hee...oh, sorry) I said, "See, all you have to do is run the stuff through the ends with your fingers like this." And I proceeded to wipe my gloves off in my own hair. Now before you say I'm an idiot, I had quickly thought this action through. I reasoned that there was very little of the goop actually left on my hands. And my hair, fairly dark, would probably only redden a bit (which might be quite attractive). And finally, I wouldn't really leave it on that long, so it won't do much anyhow.

Okay, now you can call me an idiot.

To pass the time while the dye "worked", my son and I sat down to watch a movie. But I told him quite firmly, "Now it's your job to make sure that you don't leave that stuff on too long. You could ruin your hair and go bald." On with the movie. Another important suggestion: Never ever rely on a teenager to be on time about anything.  Somewhere during the movie, I look over at my son. He has white califlower-like sprouts popping out of the top his head. I rush into the bathroom. (Forget my son, what the hell have I done to my hair.)

We both washed out our hair. Amazingly enough, my son's hair looked pretty cool. More like some wierd porcupine-head than hair with highlighted tips, but cool nonetheless. Meanwhile, I looked seriously goofy. When you run bleach-covered fingers through your hair, do you know what you get? White finger prints on your head. Enough said. You can call me an idiot again if you'd like.

This morning, my hair is cut very short. I had to razor-cut the sides in an attempt to make the big blond spot on the side of my head look like I just "sat too close to the barber". To make matter worse, my hair is so fine that, when short, it puffs straight out like (to quote my wife) "some kind of giant Q-Tip." So I had to put hair mousse on it. It still won't stay down. It now sticks up in spikes.

So if you see me in the next few days, don't be surprised that a 43-year-old man is sporting a spiked hair style with blonde tips. I'm hip. I'm cool. You can stop calling me an idiot now.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Perry Boating Accident

Last weekend, this tragic, but amazing, boating accident occurred on Perry Lake. There's not much I can say, since I don't know a lot of details. And I genuinely regret the death of the woman involved in the accident...

But isn't that an amazing photo?

How To Be a Blogger

Several people have asked me, "What is a blog?" A blog or weblog is on online journal. Here is's description:

What is a weblog/blog?

A blog is a web page made up of usually short, frequently updated posts that are arranged chronologically—like a what's new page or a journal. The content and purposes of blogs varies greatly—from links and commentary about other web sites, to news about a company/person/idea, to diaries, photos, poetry, mini-essays, project updates, even fiction.

You can read a more in-depth introduction or surf over to a list of the most popular blogs on the 'Net.

To start your own blog, you can use Blogger (or other blog-authoring software) to post a blog to your own web site or Email me for information on how to add reader comments or email update notifications to your blog.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Harry Potter Is the Devil

Harry Potter picture
What is it about Harry Potter that has so many of the "Religious Right" up in arms? Wake up, people. It's just a book series, and a darn good one at that. Will the Christian cattle of the world please read the books before unquestionably accepting misconceptions and misleading statements about them?

Please do not misunderstand me. I do not equate all Christians with cattle. However, there do seem to be a good many who blindly repeat opinions they heard from others who blindly repeat opinions they heard from others who...

If the Harry Potter books are evil because magic is involved, how come we never hear protests about these other magical books?

  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (by C.S. Lewis, renown Christian author)
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Cinderella (and that you thought only her step-mother was evil.)
  • The Cat In the Hat by Dr. Suess (Now there's an evil book! The cat talks!)

Here's a clue: The magic in Harry Potter is not real, and neither is Harry Potter. Read my lips, it's FAN-TA-SY. Get it? Imagination. Nine and ten year old children know the difference between a fantasy story and real life. Why can't some adults? (Perhaps because they don't have one? [Whoops, sorry, it just slipped out.])

Guess what? There is evil in the Harry Potter books. Duh! It's a story about good versus evil. Ever heard of a technique called "allegory"? Jesus used it all the time. You should look it up.

So next time someone starts mooing about Harry Potter's evil wand, he had better be prepared to ban Dorothy's slippers and that damned cat's hat.

Don't You Just Love the Word Blog

Hi. If you're new to my Blog (that's a web log)...well, so am I. I've wanted one of these since I heard about them. I used to keep a journal a long time ago. The reason? For my kids, I guess. So I have a place to talk to them. Have you ever tried to talk to teenagers? It's rough. Either they're not listening or they're pretending not to listen. Hey, I think I do better than most, but there is still so much I want to tell them. Shit, sometimes I just want to go home and say "I really, really love you." and just leave it at that, simple, straightforward, and honest. But simple, straightforward, and honest doesn't always make it from conception to delivery. And there are so many things in additional that I want to tell them. So here goes...

Kids, I really, really love you.